Pyramid Residential Care Centre Fees

Pyramid Residential Care Centre strives to be a leader in the delivery of quality aged care services to all our residents, at all times. We tailor our services to meet their specific needs and are always in the process of review and improve. We’re accessible and affordable. Please download our Pyramid Room Prices.

Aged Care Home Fee Structure & Assessment

The fee arrangements for aged care homes are regulated by the Australian Government and were updated on 1 July 2014. If your income and assets are over a certain amount, you may be asked to fund or partially fund your stay at the Pyramid Residential Care. If your income and assets are less than a certain amount, your stay will be subsidised by the Australian Government. This assessment is made by Centrelink. How much you pay varies from individual to individual and depends on your financial situation, the number of services you require / receive and the service providers fees.

Pyramid Residential Care Centre do ask residents to complete a ‘Statement of Income and Assets’ so that the Commonwealth Government can determine the size of the Refundable Accommodation Deposit / Means Tested Care Fee in accordance with Commonwealth determined guidelines. We recommend you visit the Department of Social Services website for a comprehensive breakdown of the Aged Care Fees and Charges, relative to your particular circumstances.

For more information on fees and admission process please contact our Senior Finance Officer Melina Wolfe on 4056 1454.

Gordonvale Aged Care Services Pyramid Residential Care Centre Facilities

Our facility has a homelike environment and our services are continually expanding...

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